Dear Readers,
As you may recall I responded recently to Distance Admirer in regard to issues concerning appropriate behaviour at public art exhibitions.
You can then, imagine my surprise and pleasure when I happened across wisdom from the ages which supported my general thesis. What was sound advice to the best American society in 1880 remains steadfastly appropriate for today’s art goers.
“In visiting picture-galleries one should always maintain the deportment of a gentleman or lady. Make no loud comments, and do not seek to show superior knowledge in art matters by gratuitous criticism. Ten to one, if you have not an art education you will only be giving publicity to your own ignorance.
Do not stand in conversation before a picture, and thus obstruct the view of others who wish to see rather than talk. If you wish to converse with any one on general subjects, draw to one side out of the way of those who wish to look at the pictures.”
Truly, commone sense prevails throughout the turning of ages. If only we heeded it well and more often!
Adieu fair readers, let common sense guide your way,
Miss April